Rapport stage 1




The first stage of the project „Integration of the Voss model for the development of cultural accessibility and strengthening of cultural education in Panevėžys region“ has been completed


In the first summer month, activities of the 1st mentoring stage of the project implemented by Panevėžys district municipality administration together with partners – Panevėžys district Naujamiestis Cultural center–Art Gallery and Voss Cultural School from Norway ended.

Fifteen leaders of Lithuanian music ensembles, led by three Voss model experts from Norway – Oddvar Nøstdal, Bjørn Breistein and Russell Gray, created a concert program, intensively participating in a cycle of live and remote training. The experts shared their knowledge in the specifics of analyzing musical pieces, conducting and rehearsals techniques, concert management, non-verbal communication, forming the mentality of a musical ensemble, improving ensemble skills and other areas. Particular attention was paid to the improvement of the qualities that a good leader of a musical art group must have, breathing techniques, the participants performed assigned tasks, filmed and analyzed them together with the experts. Individual consultations were specially focused on the personal development of each participant, helping him to reveal and release his unique musicality and managerial abilities.

During the contact activities, there were intensive rehearsals of the concert program’s pieces, observation of other participants’ conducting and development of the ability to analyze one's own work. At the same time, the young musicians also improved – technique that was used during rehearsals contributed to increasing of team's productivity and development of the community sense in a musical ensemble.

During the 1st mentoring stage created concert program „Memory of nation's martyrs“ was presented to the general public at Berčiūnai Lithuanian Martyrs' Church and Pasvalys Cultural Center on 13-14 of June, 2022. Conducted by the project participants, the program featured pieces by Lithuanian, Scandinavian and European composers. After the two concerts, the participants felt excited, having gained more confidence and courage to lead the musical art ensemble in a high quality and productive way. Panevėžys district Šilagalys and Miežiškiai cultural centers, Pasvalys cultural center with Pajiešmeniai branch, Church of Lithuanian Martyrs in Berčiūnai, and experts from Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater actively contributed to the implementation of these concert programs.

At the end of June during the visit to the project partners in Norway, participants got acquainted with the activities and organizational structure of the Voss Culture School and its departments, participated in the rehearsal of Smørås school brass band in Bergen, watched performances of the Jåtten school brass band as well as all the performances of the 1st and 2nd category of the National School Brass Bands Championship in Stavanger concert hall. Participants returned from the visit full of new impressions, experience, initiatives and ideas on how to apply all this in the ensemble they lead. Members of project implementation group together with the partners discussed the preliminary contact activities plan for the next part of the project – 2nd mentoring stage, when 30 future leaders of musical ensembles will seek knowledge according to the Voss model. As the Voss model experts say, the future of Lithuanian music ensemble is created through the activities of this project.

This project is being implemented under the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014–2021 Programme „Culture“. The EEA and Norway Grants are funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The Grants have two goals – to contribute to a more equal Europe, both socially and economically – and to strengthen the relations between Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, and the 15 beneficiary countries in Central and South-Eastern Europe and the Baltic States.

Planned end of the project implementation – February, 2023.